Sound doesn’t just enter our ears. It actually affects every single cell in our body. Since our cellular structure is comprised of approximately 70% crystalline fluid, the vibration of sound has the ability to rearrange molecules within our body. We are bombarded by sound, both audible and inaudible every day. Even our “silent time” is filled with sound and our only escape is to enter an anechoic chamber.
Sound vibration helps a person to gain inner harmony and achieve optimal physical balance by relaxing the nervous system. As a result, treatments allow for a centered, grounded feeling and peace of mind.Using the 128/Perfect Fifth tuning fork is the perfect frequency for calming the nervous system. Neurotransmitters are released which creates a very euphoric feeling as the body achieves inner balance.This brings about an immediate state of relaxation which reduces stress and anxiety. The individual feels more centered as the body’s energy becomes deeply grounded.Sound shifts consciousness, which synchronizes both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. These treatments also enhance meditation and dreamwork.Being relaxed is the best way for your body to do the work.
Our organs are sheathed with collagenous molecules. These molecules function as a system of liquid crystals. Crystals which are an ordered arrangement of molecules found in several different kinds of tissue: the DNA in genes, the myelin sheath of nerve cells, or the collagen molecules which make up connective tissue, to name a few. These crystals act as semi-conductors in the connective tissue. This makes them capable of conveying both energy and information to every part of the body.
Quartz Crystal Bowls are more harmoniously in tune with our own crystalline structure than any instrument. Quartz crystals produce an electrical reaction called piezoelectric effect. The manifestation of the bowls crystalline structure interacting with the body’s crystalline structure creates a powerful resonating experience.
When an individual receives sound in a relaxing ambient environment, it allows for a very positive effect on their brain wave state. It is very beneficial for the body to come out of the overworked sympathetic nervous system, which is the beta brain wave, and enter into a relaxed alpha, theta, or delta brain wave state. This transition helps the body to relax and regenerate.
This is a perfect segue into learning about Guided Imagery. Continue reading below to find out more!
I am happy to offer this Sound and Guided Imagery workshop on site or via Zoom!
Thank You so much for performing one of the best sound healing experiences ever! The team at Chopra Global truly enjoyed your work and feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to witness your magical talent during our company virtual holiday party. I received such amazing feedback from the employees. D.S. ~ Chopra Global
Our organs are sheathed with collagenous molecules. These molecules function as a system of liquid crystals. Crystals which are an ordered arrangement of molecules found in several different kinds of tissue: the DNA in genes, the myelin sheath of nerve cells, or the collagen molecules which make up connective tissue, to name a few. These crystals act as semi-conductors in the connective tissue. This makes them capable of conveying both energy and information to every part of the body.
Quartz Crystal Bowls are more harmoniously in tune with our own crystalline structure than any instrument. Quartz crystals produce an electrical reaction called piezoelectric effect. The manifestation of the bowls crystalline structure interacting with the body’s crystalline structure creates a powerful resonating experience.
When an individual receives sound in a relaxing ambient environment, it allows for a very positive effect on their brain wave state. It is very beneficial for the body to come out of the overworked sympathetic nervous system, which is the beta brain wave, and enter into a relaxed alpha, theta, or delta brain wave state. This transition helps the body to relax and regenerate.
This is a perfect segue into learning about Guided Imagery. Continue reading below to find out more!
I am happy to offer this Sound and Guided Imagery workshop on site or via Zoom!
“Every illness is a musical problem and every cure is a musical solution.”
- Novartis
Aristotle and Hippocrates believed in the power of images within the brain to enliven the heart and body. Today, research shows they were right. According to the January 2008 issue of the Mayo Clinic Health Letter, guided imagery is helping patients use the full range of the body’s healing capacity.
Guided imagery is more than listening to relaxing sounds. Whether listening to someone’s voice or creating your own story and visions, the process of relaxing the breath helps to consciously direct the ability to imagine. During guided imagery, creating pleasant and peaceful images allows the person to access their subconscious mind. In doing so, the individual is utilizing all five senses of sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. This relaxed state helps to produce a balance between the body and mind.
The subconscious mind stores memories, attitudes and habits. During guided imagery, messages are passed along to the body’s endocrine, immune and autonomic nervous systems via the release of neurotransmitters and hormones. These systems influence a wide range of bodily functions, including heart, breathing rates, blood pressure and also assists to lessen pain. Guided imagery, balances and synchronizes the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Once relaxed, the person is in an alpha, theta or delta brain wave which allows the body to restore and regenerate.
Donna provides Sound and Guided Imagery workshops with Quartz Crystal Bowls, Tibetan Bowls, Tuning Forks, Drums, Rattles and other meditative sounds.
You will be assisted into a Guided Imagery as you journey on the Waves of Sound!